
So good at providing overall health benefits that it’s known as the ‘Queen’ of fungi. Others call it the ‘King’. Either way, Reishi is true mushroom royalty. Makes sense since there are so many species of fungi (some estimate between 2-3 million species!) that it's its own kingdom. Just like flora and fauna.

We don’t think the royals get enough credit for being there when we need them most. Silently and without any of the usual fanfare, protecting us from all manner of disease and illness. We're not too big on monarchies but in this case, we’re taking a knee and bowing our heads to the undisputed Queen -or King - of mushrooms. 

Super Powers - Adaptogenic mushroom - Regulates Stress Response and   Strengthens Immune Response.Considered best for maintaining overall health.

Benefits - supports a more resilient immune system, increases antioxidant activity, regulates stress. It’s even been approved in Japan and China as a complement to traditional cancer treatments.

Active Compounds - peptides and polysaccharides like beta-glucans, triterpenoids.

Origins - For thousands of years, Asian cultures have been acquainted with the potency of this mushroom.   



Clinker or Chaga as it’s commonly known and is not really a mushroom that you can actually see at all. What you can see is a fungus that has pierced the bark of a tree and forms into what we also call canker. A kind of tree wart. Typically its host is a Birch tree and typically in places that accommodate large expanses of boreal forests like Sibreia where we get our wild harvested Chaga from.

Despite its questionably hard, wart-like appearance there’s good reason to give Chaga a good long second look because it’s what you can’t see that makes it a beautiful and truly beneficial fungus. 

Super Powers - Supports Digestion and is a immunity Booster

Benefits - immune-stimulating, skin disorders, reduces gut inflammation, regulates stress

Active Compounds - adaptogens, melanin, triterpenoids beta-D-glucans, inotodiol, trametenolic and betulinic acids

Noteworthy - Chaga harvesting is a sustainable practice and like charcoal, can start a campfire. (Love it when things are dual use.) Water extracted only.



First off, it’s a parasite. Second. What? You heard right. Spores attach themselves to an unsuspecting insect, grow mycelium (mushroom roots) and proceed to feed off its tiny host until it dies. Then, like magic, it sprouts a fruiting body (mushroom) from inside the empty husk of the host. Pretty cool right?

Pretty disgusting too. But it’s easy to get past the ik factor when you come to understand that this genus of mushroom is considered to be a kind of natural viagra by Himalyans. That’s right - Himalayans. ‘Winter worm’ or Summer Grass’ as it’s sometimes called, can also help get you through that workout so you have enough energy to spare for other stuff.

Super Powers - Adaptogenic mushroom - Regulates Stress Response, Regulates energy metabolism, Enhances Endurance & Energy 

Benefits - increases  physical performance, anti-inflammatory, thought to be useful in the treatment of some cancers,  regulates blood sugar, relieves stress

Active Compounds - Cordyceptin, Beta-Glucans

Noteworthy - the flowering body of cordyceps sinensis is ultra expensive and unaffordable to most. Consequently, most of what is available/affordable is mostly mycillium. We use militaris because it can be cultivated and allows us to provide only 100% fruiting bodies.


Turkey Tail

Sometimes things are given a name because of the way they look. TT is one of them. It’s found in temperate forests all over the world and has been used for thousands of years by ancient cultures for its many health benefits and ability to fend off disease. 

It loves to hang out around dead and fallen trees because that’s its food. It actually does a great job of helping decompose all that decaying organic material until it’s all but gone, which in turn helps to maintain healthy forest environments. That puts it into a separate category of Saprophytic fungi.

Super Powers - Regulates immune system (aka Immunomodulator) and Anti-Inflammatory response

Benefits - boosts immune system function, powerful antioxidant, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, improved digestion,  and stress relief. 

Active Compounds - Antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids, Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP) and Krestin (PSK), Trametenolic acid and  prebiotics 

Noteworthy - Turns out, Turkey Tail has shown its usefulness as a bioremediator. It can help cleanup environmental disasters by breaking down pollutants and other nasty stuff. Gobble, gobble! 


Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane doesn’t look anything like a classic cap and stem mushroom. It’s hairy. Like a Lion’s Mane or a mop or a bad wig or a … You get the picture. It’s unusual and we like that but what we really like about it is that it encourages neuroplasticity. It helps when you’re experiencing brain fog or forgetting stuff or you just want to be a little quicker on your feet. 

Anything that supports brain function is called a nootropic. So yes, it has a strange stage name too but it is a recognized powerhouse in the fungi kingdom for its other benefits as well.  

Super Powers - Supports Overall Brain Health

Benefits - increases cognition, immunity booster, gut enforcer, reduces inflammation, relieves stress

Active Compounds - Beta Glucans, Hericenones and Erinacerins 

Origins - used as a traditional remedy by Chinese practitioners for a very long time. It must work.



The ‘Snow Ear’,‘White Jelly Mushroom’ or ‘Silver Ear’ as it is sometimes called has been around for centuries in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Ayurvedic Herbalism. It can be found in tropical and semi-tropical climates and has been used primarily as a means of keeping skin healthy and staving off the aging process. It does this by maintaining and improving hydration levels.

Tremella is a jelly fungus so it holds a lot of water. In fact, it can hold up to 500 times its weight in water! It’s no wonder so many cosmetic and skincare companies use it in their skincare products.  

Super Power -Skin rejuvenation and immunity booster

Benefits -  great for skincare and slowing down the occurrence of wrinkling as you age, strengthens immune system function, anti-inflammatory, relieves stress

Active Compounds -Polysaccharides/ Beta-Glucans and Polyphenols

Noteworthy -  Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is naturally occurring in all of us and helps control water and hydration levels in our body. ‘Snow Fungus’ exceeds the hydrating properties of HA so that we can remain moist and supple especially as we get older. That’s why we think of it as a skin revitalizer. 


Coffee Substitute


Coffee Substitute

Mushroom Coffee with a Kick

Mule is our premixed coffee alternative that has the welcoming taste and smell of a great cup of coffee because it's made with Arabica coffee beans, only it's got half the caffeine of a regular cup of jitter juice. We go the extra mile and replace that caffeine with Cordyceps (mushrooms) and Lion’s Mane (more mushrooms) to provide all the cognitive and energy benefits of a traditional cup of coffee w/o the negative side effects. It’s easy to brew in a conventional drip coffee maker, French press or pour over. Make it just the way you like - mild or strong, with or without cream or a sweetener.


$ 25.00 USD
$ 25.00 USD
Free shipping on orders over $50

Depending on how strong you like your coffee, just add between 2-4 tbsp. of this energy boosting coffee alternative to a regular drip coffee maker or French press and you’ll be on your way to having the best of both worlds with plenty of giddy up and none of the downsides.

• Increased Sustained Energy

• Enhanced Cognition

• Regulates Stress Response

• No coffee crash

100% Organic half caff coffee, organic Cordyceps mushroom extract and organic Lion's Mane mushroom extract.

No items found.

Getting to know the mushrooms.


So good at providing overall health benefits that it’s known as the ‘Queen’ of fungi. Others call it the ‘King’. Either way, Reishi is true mushroom royalty. Makes sense since there are so many species of fungi (some estimate between 2-3 million species!) that it's its own kingdom. Just like flora and fauna. We don’t think the royals get enough credit for being there when we need them most. Silently.....

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Clinker or Chaga as it’s commonly known and is not really a mushroom that you can actually see at all. What you can see is a fungus that has pierced the bark of a tree and forms into what we also call canker. A kind of tree wart. Typically its host is a Birch tree and typically in places that accommodate large expanses of boreal forests like Sibreia where we get our wild harvested.....

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First off, it’s a parasite. Second. What? You heard right. Spores attach themselves to an unsuspecting insect, grow mycelium (mushroom roots) and proceed to feed off its tiny host until it dies. Then, like magic, it sprouts a fruiting body (mushroom) from inside the empty husk of the host. Pretty cool right?Pretty disgusting too. But it’s easy to get past the ik factor when.....

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Turkey Tail

Sometimes things are given a name because of the way they look. TT is one of them. It’s found in temperate forests all over the world and has been used for thousands of years by ancient cultures for its many health benefits and ability to fend off disease. It loves to hang out around dead and fallen trees because that’s its food. It actually does a great job of helping decompose all that.....

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Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane doesn’t look anything like a classic cap and stem mushroom. It’s hairy. Like a Lion’s Mane or a mop or a bad wig or a … You get the picture. It’s unusual and we like that but what we really like about it is that it encourages neuroplasticity. It helps when you’re experiencing brain fog or forgetting stuff or you just want to be a little quicker on your feet. Anything that.....

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The ‘Snow Ear’,‘White Jelly Mushroom’ or ‘Silver Ear’ as it is sometimes called has been around for centuries in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Ayurvedic Herbalism. It can be found in tropical and semi-tropical climates and has been used primarily as a means of keeping skin healthy and staving off the aging process. It does this by maintaining and improving hydration.....

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• Increased Sustained Energy

• Enhanced Cognition

• Regulates Stress Response

• No coffee crash

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


I guess I shouldn't be too surprised but I'm surprised! So Mule tastes just like coffee - a really good cup of coffee - but it's different than regular coffee. It's not that first cup of the day jolt I'd get from coffee. The energy I get from this stuff...

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised but I'm surprised! So Mule tastes just like coffee - a really good cup of coffee - but it's different than regular coffee. It's not that first cup of the day jolt I'd get from coffee. The energy I get from this stuff feels more spread out. So, like I'm not zapped at the end of the day. This energy kind of feels like the hum you might hear coming from a beehive. What I know is I've got more left in me after work to get back on my bike. Could it be mountain biking = Mule?? Oh. And no more stomach gurgling noises and bloating. My tummy definitely likes Mule!


Wow! This really does work. I do a lot of reading in my job and keeping my concentration can be a problem but that’s changed. I’m not sure how adaptogens work but I’m definitely more focused and feel more energized...

Wow! This really does work. I do a lot of reading in my job and keeping my concentration can be a problem but that’s changed. I’m not sure how adaptogens work but I’m definitely more focused and feel more energized - all day long. My stomach’s not bothering me. I’m not edgy and feeling flat. Usually at the same time. And I’m not staring up at my ceiling at 2 in the morning. And it tastes better too. Mushroom coffee! Who knew? Mule is my new go-to!


I'm pretty skeptical about supplements but I'm also about staying healthy so I tried Stardust and I gotta say - my recoveries are much better! I'm just not as sore after I workout which is a big deal for me. The soreness would...

I'm pretty skeptical about supplements but I'm also about staying healthy so I tried Stardust and I gotta say - my recoveries are much better! I'm just not as sore after I workout which is a big deal for me. The soreness would actually make me pretty stiff and limit what I could do. Not so much these days. I'm gonna stay with this.


Sign me up! Started mixing Stardust with my breakfast - yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie (did not mess with the taste) and 2 months in I've noticed some positive effects. I'm definitely less reactive to some things that used to bug me...

Sign me up! Started mixing Stardust with my breakfast - yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie (did not mess with the taste) and 2 months in I've noticed some positive effects. I'm definitely less reactive to some things that used to bug me and I know it's not my imagination but I'm just getting more done at work.


I'm an air traffic controller and I tend to internalize stuff. I have to stay focused and clear headed but bottling things up is not a great long term strategy so I try to exercise and sometimes I meditate but it’s tough to stick with it. Anyway...

I'm an air traffic controller and I tend to internalize stuff. I have to stay focused and clear headed but bottling things up is not a great long term strategy so I try to exercise and sometimes I meditate but it’s tough to stick with it. Anyway, on a whim I tried F-Stress (really because I liked the message - Fix it or F*k it -lol!) and it really does work! I know this because I just feel more relaxed. My life is still full of stressors. This just seems to smooth out the rough edges. Strong recommendation!


Nighttime has always been the time my mind goes into overdrive, worrying and processing everything from the day's activities to random conspiracy theories. The way that F•Stress has helped to regulate my stress levels has allowed...

Nighttime has always been the time my mind goes into overdrive, worrying and processing everything from the day's activities to random conspiracy theories. The way that F•Stress has helped to regulate my stress levels has allowed my mind to be at peace at night and I have slept better than I have my whole life.


Stress and unbalanced cortisol levels have been a struggle for me. An unexpected benefit of taking F•Stress has been the resulting weight loss due to the regulation of those cortisol levels.

Nighttime has always been the time my mind goes into overdrive, worrying and processing everything from the day's activities to random conspiracy theories. The way that F•Stress has helped to regulate my stress levels has allowed my mind to be at peace at night and I have slept better than I have my whole life.


I guess I shouldn't be too surprised but I'm surprised! So Mule tastes just like coffee - a really good cup of coffee - but it's different than regular coffee. It's not that first cup of the day jolt I'd get from coffee. The energy I get from this stuff feels more spread out. So, like I'm not zapped at the end of the day. This energy kind of feels like the hum you might hear coming from a beehive. What I know is I've got more left in me after work to get back on my bike. Could it be mountain biking = Mule?? Oh. And no more stomach gurgling noises and bloating. My tummy definitely likes Mule!


Wow! This really does work. I do a lot of reading in my job and keeping my concentration can be a problem but that’s changed. I’m not sure how adaptogens work but I’m definitely more focused and feel more energized - all day long. My stomach’s not bothering me. I’m not edgy and feeling flat. Usually at the same time. And I’m not staring up at my ceiling at 2 in the morning. And it tastes better too. Mushroom coffee! Who knew? Mule is my new go-to! I guess only 2 for MULE...


I'm pretty skeptical about supplements but I'm also about staying healthy so I tried Stardust and I gotta say - my recoveries are much better! I'm just not as sore after I workout which is a big deal for me. The soreness would actually make me pretty stiff and limit what I could do. Not so much these days. I'm gonna stay with this.


Sign me up! Started mixing Stardust with my breakfast - yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie (did not mess with the taste) and 2 months in I've noticed some positive effects. I'm definitely less reactive to some things that used to bug me and I know it's not my imagination but I'm just getting more done at work.


I'm an air traffic controller and I tend to internalize stuff. I have to stay focused and clear headed but bottling things up is not a great long term strategy so I try to exercise and sometimes I meditate but it’s tough to stick with it. Anyway, on a whim I tried F-Stress (really because I liked the message - Fix it or F*k it -lol!) and it really does work! I know this because I just feel more relaxed. My life is still full of stressors. This just seems to smooth out the rough edges. Strong recommendation!


Nighttime has always been the time my mind goes into overdrive, worrying and processing everything from the day's activities to random conspiracy theories. The way that F•Stress has helped to regulate my stress levels has allowed my mind to be at peace at night and I have slept better than I have my whole life.


Stress and unbalanced cortisol levels have been a struggle for me. An unexpected benefit of taking F•Stress has been the resulting weight loss due to the regulation of those cortisol levels.

Looking for a daily supplement that isn't too pushy?

There are no sharp elbows in this blend of 100% organic mushroom extracts. STARDUST has been formulated to have a neutral flavor profile and can be added to your favorite food or beverage w/o changing the taste. It’s an adaptogenic additive that works silently behind the scenes to provide better focus, calm energy, better recoveries and a more balanced stress response.


Looking for a daily supplement that isn't too pushy?

There are no sharp elbows in this blend of 100% organic mushroom extracts. STARDUST has been formulated to have a neutral flavor profile and can be added to your favorite food or beverage w/o changing the taste. It’s an adaptogenic additive that works silently behind the scenes to provide better focus, calm energy, better recoveries and a more balanced stress response.